Little Bennett Thursday


Season Schedule
Previous Matches

Round 13: Played on July 11th, 2024

Little Bennett (Back)                      Round 13  July 11, 2024
Team W/  YTD  Name                Phone    Score Hc Hcp Rn Lo  Birds(H) Prize    
/vs   L  W/L                                G/N     Stk Pl G/N *=Eagle  Balls    
 1   2.5 36.5 John Przybocki  240-357-7830 54/39 16  82  9                       
 / 7 2.5 28.5 John Feuz       240-421-2177 ( 7)  11  71 12                       
 2   5.0 40.5 Joe Eppich      301-928-0867 45/33 12  76 11     (11)              
 / 8 0.0 23.5 Dan Dacey       301-351-7743 (14)  13  80 11                       
 3   2.0 39.0 Jeff Gitlin     301-518-1508 41/36  5  30 12                       
 / 5 3.0 26.0 Dan Thomas      301-917-4813 49/37 13  65  9                       
 4   3.5 44.5 Art Werbeck     301-335-8184 46/33 13  91 13                       
 / 6 1.5 20.5 Reggie Combs    240-3880-039 47/31 15  94 12  N              1     
 5   3.0 37.0 M. Vannauker    301-540-6611 54/38 16  96 12                       
 / 3 2.0 26.0 Dave Gafney     301-240-5643 48/33 15  75  9                       
 6   1.5 28.5 John Janosko    240-401-6989 52/36 17  51  2                       
 / 4 3.5 35.5 Brian Forney    717-860-0743 57/43 15  77  9                       
 7   2.5 26.0 Doug Sweigard   240-381-4878 56/43 13  82 11                       
 / 1 2.5 33.0 Jonathan Reid   240-315-2964 53/37 16  49  5                       
 8   0.0  0.0 Blind 1             NA       (NS)  80  80  0                       
 / 2 5.0 59.0 Blind 2             NA       (NS)  80  80  0                       
    Subs:  7) Paul Banas      301-712-5362 54/40 17  51  3                       
          14) Jerry Tsoa      240-410-5067 50/38 14  29  1                       
Round Standings of Teams (Places 1 -->  8):  Notes: Only 1 more round to go.     
  1)  7  5  2  4  3  1  6  8                        First place still not        
  2)  7  4  6  3  5  2  1  8                 sown up.                            
  3)  5  6  4  7  1  3  2  8                                                     
  4)  4  1  7  2  5  6  3  8                                                     
  5)  4  1  3  2  7  5  6  8                                                     
  6)  4  1  2  3  7  5  6  8                                                     
  7)  1  4  3  2  7  5  6  8                                                     
  8)  1  4  2  3  5  7  6  8                                                     
  9)  2  3  1  4  5  6  7  8                                                     
 10)  3  4  2  1  5  6  7  8                                                     
 11)  4  2  3  5  1  6  7  8                                                     
 12)  4  3  2  5  1  6  7  8                                                     
 13)  4  2  3  5  1  6  7  8                                                     
Won: 44.40.39 37 36.28.26  0                                                     
Round 14 Schedule                                                                
 4:24  4:36  4:48  5:00                                                          
1- 8  3- 6  4- 5  2- 7                                                           
Year to Date Low Gross:            Year to Date Low Net:                         
Jeff Gitlin     36                 Dan Dacey       28 31 31                      
John Feuz       43 44 45 45        M. Vannauker    28 31 32                      
Dan Dacey       43 44 45 46        Art Werbeck     29 31                         
Art Werbeck     43 45 46 46 46     Jonatha Reid    29 36                         
Joe Eppich      43 45 46 46 47                                                   

Your scorekeeper is: John Przybocki

We play from the gold tees and have relaxed rules, namely:

  1. We may adjust our lie IN OUR OWN FAIRWAY.
  2. We have drop areas (adding one stroke) beyond the "trouble" on holes 6, 9, 13, 15, and 18.
  3. We may drop adding one stroke in the playable area near a lost ball or OB.
  4. In the spirit of club preservation we may move a ball off of stone in the rough.

  5. We do NOT allow gimme's.

For the benefit of "new" LB members, a synopsis of our scoring method:

This is the 'traditional' method used when these leagues were first formed.

  1. Inspect handicaps of all competitors.
  2. Difference each from the lowest handicap to determine the number of strokes to assign to each for the
    modified match play competition.
  3. Assign the difference to holes in the 'rating' order given on the scorecard, lowest to highest (hardest to easiest).
  4. Play a hole, entering gross scores on the card. (Enter a 'P' for a player if he has not holed out in double par.)
  5. Inspect 'net' scores (do the arithmetic in your head! i.e., subtract zero, one, or maybe 2 from the gross
    score as indicated by 2 and 3 above).
  6. Award an intermediate point (sub-point) for the hole to the team that has the lowest individual net score on the hole.
    If tied, split the sub-point (half and half).
  7. Award a sub-point for the hole to the team that has the lower team aggregate net score on the hole (split ties). Exception:
    a team with a recorded 'P' cannot win the aggregate sub-point.
  8. After playing a set of 3 holes (1-3, 4-6, 7-9) total the sub-points for them for each team.
    The team with more sub-points wins the ONE modified match point for that set of holes. (Ties split.)
  9. When the round is complete compare the net scores (gross minus handicap) of the 2 opponents with the lower
    handicap from each team and award ONE medal point to the team with the lower score. (Ties split.)
  10. Compare the net scores of the higher handicap players and do the same.
  11. Sum the modified match points and medal points won for each team to determine the match results.

Note that there is 'devil' in the detail. e.g. if men and women's rating is different for the 9 holes played,
an adjustment is factored into the 'handicap' used. (This is so at Little Bennett, men's net scores on the front
are gross-hcp-2; on the back they are gross-hcp-1).

Again for the benefit of new LB members:

Season's best low net prizes are given. Candidate best low net scores use a 'settling' approach.
After you have played 5 rounds, your handicap at that point is 'assumed' to have existed for each of the first 5 rounds
and candidate season's best low net scores for those rounds are computed using that settled handicap.

No round scoring is affected; this is ONLY for season's low net prize consideration.
Therefore, note the "Year to Date Low Net" comment on the summary, that no valid candidate scores exist yet.

The SCORING file sent earlier does not cover the many details that are fully described in a separate rules document.
I think there is such a document on the web site -- HOWEVER -- that version may be somewhat out of date.
If you are truly interested in the 20 or so pages of gory detail, I can send it to you (if I find it!).

Please feel free to question anything that is suspicious to you.

If you wish to leave early, I drive a tan/gold Toyota pickup truck --
I leave the window cracked -- you could deposite your card there.
I definitely NEED your card at the end of the evening. No card = NO-SHOW.

Hope we have a great year of pleasure. Hard NOT to enjoy an evening of golf!!!

John Przybocki

Questions, comments, or suggestions on this page?
E-Mail Paul (