Your scorekeeper is: John RyanScorekeeper's Information Scoring Please review the Gaithersburg Golf League Rules and Regulations. You may find this
at: Especially see sections 3 - Scoring, 6 – Handicaps ,
and 7 – Substitutes. Please read the Course Descriptions on the web page for what is inbounds
and out of bounds. We will follow the Max stroke of double par +1 and Out of Bound will be
considered a hazard (go to the point where the ball went out of bounds, drop and play with
a one stroke penalty). The max stroke penalty will only apply on par 3s and 4s since 10 is the
max stroke count normally on a par 5. If you are playing a par 3 and you hit your 6th stroke
and the ball is not in the hole, pick up and record a 7.
If I am not at the course when the first group goes off, please be sure you get the
signs for the longest drive and 2 closest to the pin. The first team to tee off will
decide which holes will be the long drive. The closest to the pin will be the par 3s.
The last group will need to collect the signs and bring them in.
Tee Times We will assign tee times this year. Our normal tee times start at 4:16. If you and your
opponent are not ready to tee off at your assigned tee time then the next group should be
ready to go. You will be placed at the end of the group. Please show up at least 10 minutes
before your tee time.
Score Cards All scores must be legible with names and team numbers listed on the card. If a sub is
playing for someone, please enter the first and last name of the sub. The name Johnny
is not good enough. Score cards must be turned in after the round. If you are not going to hang
around after your round, give your card to another league member. Do NOT leave it on a
table in the snack area nor give it to the golf course. I will not hunt down missing cards.
Missing cards will be scored as ghosts.
Rain Policy Policy on rain. If the course is open and carts are aloud, please show up to play.
If the course closes early (before 2:00 PM). I will send out a note to let everyone know
that the course is closed. When in doubt, call the course at 301-948-5288.
If you would like to be copied on the “weekly results” note I send to the Web Master,
please reply to this note. I will NOT copy you on the note if I do not get a reply from you.
Please keep pace with the group in front of you. There will be a league following us.
If there is more than a hole open in front of your group, your group is playing too slowly.