Some Comments and Suggestions on Slow Play

Note: The text has been edited for better readability

"In this day of man's greatest speed, he has produced his slowest golf."

Why? Some may even say, "Why hurry, I've paid my dues and am entitled to play
at a pace that is comfortable to me. It is my right."
As the saying goes "Your right ends where the other fellows nose begins!"

How long should it take to play 9 holes? As a rule of thumb, it should
not take 4 players more than 12.5 minutes to play a 40 yard par 4 hole.
Of this, no more than 5 minutes should be for play around the green.

For 9 holes this is slightly less than 2 hours.
This should be regarded as an upper limit. Next time out, time your group.
How well are you doing against the standard? If you are exceeding it, what can you do
short of running to your ball between shots, to speed up play?


On the putting green:

In the fairway and on the tee:
Have a great game, and please follow the above suggestions . . .
for everyone's enjoyment!

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