Web Page Manager. The web page manager is a volunteer selected by the league chairman (co-chairmen). There is one web page manager for the league and he is responsible for maintaining the league’s web page. The web page will contain at minimum the league’s roster, division results, contact information, sign-up flyer and rules.
Members may select partners; unpaired individuals will be assigned to teams. The lower handicap golfer on each team at the beginning of the season is designated team captain and will remain so throughout the season regardless of eventual handicaps. In case both have the same initial handicap the team captain will be the person listed first on the division roster.
Each scorekeeper will establish the scoring to be used for awarding match and medal points by their division for each individual match.
A match consists of nine (9) holes. Scoring for the match must be based on the player’s handicap. See section 6 for a definition of handicaps.
A player's assigned handicap for the match play will be the difference between the player's round handicap and the lowest
round handicap of the match. Strokes will be assigned on holes in the handicap order shown on the scorecard. For medal play,
a player's assigned handicap is the player’s round handicap minus the lowest course rating for the scheduled round.
The following will be awarded in each division:
First Place Team
$40.00 per member
Place is determined by number of points won by the team. Individual low gross is the lowest single gross score for the season. Individual low net is based on the best single round (after 5th round adjustment). A member winning a Team prize is not eligible for an individual award. The “Individual Season High Player Points” winner is not eligible for any other individual award. The “Individual Low Gross” winner is not eligible for any other individual award. Members' handicaps after playing 5 rounds will be used to re-calculate net scores for those 5 rounds to be used as candidate low net rounds for an award. Members must play at least 6 rounds in their own division to qualify for an individual award. A member qualifies for Team awards as long as that member paid their registration fee.
Other weekly prizes will be golf balls. If a division has at least ten team, the scorekeeper will receive six dozen at the beginning of the season to be given out as individual prizes. The scorekeeper will determine how the individual wins the golf ball. Team members and substitutes will be eligible to win the golf balls. If a division has less than ten teams, the scorekeeper will receive five dozen golf balls.
Each golf league committee member will receive a stipend of $80.00 for performance of their duties.
Each golf league member must pay a $25.00 entry fee for each division that member will be playing in that season. Entry fee must be paid before the member begins plays in the division for that season.
The following tie breaker procedures have been developed to determine
prize winners for the Divisions of the Golf League:
Handicap computed after the first round of play as described in F below “New Member/Player without an Established Handicap”.
Entry handicaps will be used for the first round of play and will be used to compute subsequent round handicaps as detailed below.
Best rounds are those that result in the lowest number of handicap strokes.
The maximum allowable handicap used for nine holes is 21. A maximum of 27 handicap strokes (nine triple bogies)
may be accumulated for any given round, and used in computing an average, but if the average is greater than 21,
the handicap is set to 21. A player’s assigned handicap may exceed 21 (see section 6.A on round handicap).
Fractions will be dropped from the computed average. Note that actual “rounds played” not “scheduled weeks”
are used to compute handicaps; because of absences, all players may not have played the same number of rounds,
therefore their handicaps may not be computed from the same number of rounds.
The computed handicap becomes the entry handicap and the match is scored as though that handicap existed before
the round began. The player’s new handicap (for the next round) is computed also as though that handicap existed before the round began.
The scorekeeper will maintain a list of non-division member substitutes and their handicaps for their division.
Members are encouraged to use the approved list as a first choice in obtaining a substitute.
A league member is permitted to substitute in any division of which the league member is not a division member.
If no substitute can be found from the substitute list or from other divisions, a player not on the substitute list or in the league can be used.
It is your responsibility to show up or obtain a qualified substitute (one who knows who, when and where she/he is playing)
for each match. Please do your best to avoid a no-show situation. For the last three weeks of golf, substitutes must
have a division handicap to be able to participate in division competition.
Opponents for a match are always assigned in handicap order.
If a substitute has the same handicap as the member-partner, the member is considered to be the low handicap player for that team.
If one team consists of 2 substitutes with the same handicaps, the substitute playing for the low handicap team member
will be considered the low handicap player for the team (if such a determination is not possible then the pairing of opponents should be agreed upon before the round is begun).
Please consider that strict adherence to the rules is not a hard-nosed
approach advocating winning by technicality or winning at all costs
but is rather a necessary standard for fair competition, friendly
though it may be. Realize that if you 'give your opponent a break' by
ignoring a rule, you are at the same time unjustly penalizing all of
his competition.
Several local rules will be in effect for the Gaithersburg Golf League.
Play will begin with a practice round the week prior to the first week
of League play. These dates will be defined in a flyer to be distributed before the start of the season.
Each division will play on its designated night. Foursomes will go off as scheduled for the division.
Greens fees are set by the individual golf courses.
Matches shall return cards to the scorekeeper, or
a designated alternate, on the night of the match. Any card not
returned shall be scored as NO SHOWS for both teams involved.
A maximum score of 10 will be recorded for any hole. A player who has not holed
out by the player’s 10th stroke shall be deemed a 'pick-up' and indicate a 'P' on the scorecard for that hole.
'P' is counted as 10 in determining the handicap.
If one team is missing a player (member is absent and there is no substitute) a 'blind' is used in
place of the missing player. Each individual scorekeeper will determine what score will be used for the “blind”.
The match-up for medal points is the same as if the member were present (if both teams are missing one
player the present players are matched as opponents). A player matched-up against a blind must shoot a
net score of no more than 3 over par to win any medal point(s). If the player does not then the medal
point(s) is not counted for either team. Under no circumstances can a player lose the medal point(s) to a blind.
The scorekeeper will establish how the other point(s), if any, will be awarded if there is a blind.
If neither team shows up no points are awarded. If one team does not show up for the match, the
scorekeeper will determine how match play points are awarded. However, each player of the present
team must shoot no more than 3 net strokes over par to win the player’s medal point(s).
An absent team cannot win any points.
If weather presents a problem, the scorekeeper will determine whether or not play
is suspended. If five or more holes have been completed by each match of the division when play is
suspended the round is valid and scored as established by the scorekeeper for their division.
Cancellation due to inclement weather will be made at the golf course unless the golf course is determined
to be closed early enough to notify members. Any member may suspend play if they are concerned
with personal safety or are unable to continue for health reasons. The number of holes completed by the
match will be the number of holes completed by the remaining members of the match.
Second Place Team $30.00 per member
Third Place Team $25.00 per member
Individual Season High Player Points $25.00
Individual Low Gross $25.00
Individual Low Net $25.00
In the event of a tie the winner will be the team with the most points won in head-to-head competition between the tying teams.
If a tie still remains, a nine hole playoff between the teams will be used to determine the winner; scoring for the nine hole playoff
will be the same as for regular season matches. In the event that the teams are still tied after nine holes, a sudden death based
on individual holes will decide the winning team. No medal points will be considered even if the sudden death goes to nine holes
or more. Handicap strokes for the nine hole playoff and sudden death holes will be assigned as for a regular nine hole match
using the final season handicap of the players; handicaps will not be recomputed after the nine hole playoff to be used for
sudden death play nor recomputed after or during sudden death play. Nor will the entry handicap for the next season be
influenced by any playoff play. Duplicate prizes will not be awarded.
If there is a tie for player points, the winner will be the tying individual with the highest points won in a single round.
If this is also a tie, the comparison will continue through as many rounds as played by both members until the tie is broken.
If this is still a tie, the individual who played the most rounds will be the winner. Duplicate prizes will not be awarded.
If there is a tie for low gross, the winner will be the tying individual with the next best gross round. If this is also a tie, the
comparison will continue through as many rounds as played by both members until the tie is broken. If this is still a tie,
the individual who played the most rounds will be the winner. Duplicate prizes will not be awarded.
If there is a tie for low net, the winner will be the tying individual with the next best net round. If this is also a tie,
the comparison will continue through as many rounds as played by both members until the tie is broken (as for low gross).
Duplicate prizes will not be awarded.
Assigned Handicaps for:
Division Course Round Match Medal
Player Hcp Rating Hcp Play Play
A 5 33 38 0 5
B 10 33 43 5 10
C 15 34 49 11 16
D 20 33 53 15 20
A league member handicap when substituting in a different division will be calculated the same as a
non-member substitute. A substitute round played by a league member will not affect the player’s division handicap.
A substitute's handicap will be computed based on the division the player substitutes in during the season.
A non-league-member substitute will have a division handicap for each different division the player substitutes in during the season.
Entry handicap will be one of the following in the order of precedence:
Handicaps will be computed with the USGA handicap system against the course rating using 100% handicap over
the better half of the rounds played (adjusted gross score). “Handicap strokes” are strokes in excess of course rating for
a round with upper bounds on holes as described by the USGA handicap system.
After Round: Your Handicap will be:
0 entry handicap
1 average of entry handicap and handicap strokes of 1st round
2 average of entry handicap and handicap strokes of 1st 2 rounds
3 average of handicap strokes of 1st 3 rounds (drop entry)
4 average of handicap strokes for best 3 of previous 4 rounds
5 average of handicap strokes for best 3 of previous 5 rounds
6 average of handicap strokes for best 3 of previous 6 rounds
7 average of handicap strokes for best 4 of previous 7 rounds
8 average of handicap strokes for best 4 of previous 8 rounds
9 average of handicap strokes for best 5 of previous 9 rounds
10 average of handicap strokes for best 5 of previous 10 rounds
11 average of handicap strokes for best 6 of previous 11 rounds
12 average of handicap strokes for best 6 of previous 12 rounds
13 average of handicap strokes for best 7 of previous 13 rounds
14 average of handicap strokes for best 7 of previous 14 rounds
If a division member or substitute plays in an official match without an established handicap (as defined in the rules)
the player’s handicap for that match will be computed as follows:
Play will be governed by USGA Rules. A summary of
some common situations and penalties is included in section 11 below.
Replay stroke and add penalty stroke. For
example: Your drive goes out of bounds. Tee up a new ball and
drive again at which point you are lying 3 and your next stroke
will be 4. If your shot may be out of bounds but there is doubt,
play a provisional ball. If your original is found not out of
bounds play it normally, if out of bounds or not found, play the
provisional (lying 3). In the interest of keeping play moving, it
is permissible to drop a new ball at the point where the first
went out, adding a 2 stroke penalty (i.e. play a new ball at
that point lying 3) without replaying the stroke.
Five minutes is allowed for search (without holding up
following groups; if groups are waiting wave them through before
using 5 minutes to search). Same penalty as OB. This holds for
ball lost in woods. rough, or fairway. Ball "lost" in a lateral
hazard (water or "red flagged" area) see F below.
Drop within two club lengths no nearer the hole,
or drop behind the point where the ball lay, keeping that point
between drop-point and hole with no limit to how far back. Add
one stroke penalty.
Drop within one club length, but not nearer hole. No
penalty. If it is in a hazard, ball must be dropped in the hazard.
Obstruction may include stakes around trees or shrubs, drinking
fountains, benches, or watering equipment. Out of bounds fences
or stakes are not considered obstructions under the rule.
Before making a stroke, the player shall
not touch the sand or water with the club, 2 stroke penalty if he
One stroke penalty. Play next stroke as near as
possible to spot from which original ball was played, or drop ball
behind hazard (keeping spot at which ball entered hazard between
drop-point and hole), or (if it is a 'lateral' hazard) within two
club lengths of spot at which ball entered hazard.
Two penalty strokes. Ignore strokes taken
with wrong ball, and play correct ball. Wrong ball is replaced
where it originally lay.
If a player's ball is stopped
or deflected by himself, his partner, or their equipment the player
shall incur a penalty of two strokes. The ball shall be played
as it lies. If by opponent or opponent's equipment, no penalty.
Two penalty strokes. Play
ball as it lies; struck ball shall be replaced.
No penalty. Replace struck ball;
play striking ball as it lies.